How Do I Go to Timeline Review on Facebook

If you'd like to maintain tighter command over what appears in your Facebook timeline (and thus to everyone y'all're Facebook friends with), at that place's a simple, but underused, machinery built right into Facebook to give you approval rights over everything people tag yous in.

Why You lot'd Want to Do This

Permit's face it, we've all got atleast one of the following people in our stable of Facebook friends: the person who tags everyone in their [political/upshot/multi-level-marketing] posts, the person who likes to post random (and often inappropriate) content and tag everyone they retrieve might find information technology funny, the person that takes a million photos at every consequence and tags every person nowadays in every one of them, or whatever other number of people who abuse Facebook'southward friend tagging role.

If you're tired of friends tagging you in announcements for the "Super Awesome Rap Slam Battle!!!" they'll be in next weekend, or you really don't want photos of you lot from a political party last weekend to automatically overflowing out to your Facebook feed without your approval, so yousabsolutely demand to have reward of the "Timeline Review" characteristic. In short, timeline review puts every single thing y'all're tagged in–posts, comments, and photos–up for your review before information technology is published on your Facebook timeline (and visible to your friends/family/coworkers).

RELATED: How to Cake People From Posting on Your Facebook Timeline Without Unfriending Them

Before we dive into turning the feature on, there are few things worth highlighting about the timeline review feature merely so there's no confusion. Beginning, the timeline review function doesn't allow y'all to actually censor content yous don't similar off of Facebook, information technology merely allows yous to keep stuff y'all don't like off your personal timeline so that it is not visible there (nor pushed out to your Facebook friends). Denying a mail via timeline review doesn't erase it, it just keeps it off your timeline.

Information technology likewise doesn't forestall the tagger's friends from seeing the posts–so if y'all accept whatsoever friends in common, they'll all run across those posts no matter what. This tin merely prevent the posts from showing up on your profile page, and showing up in the feeds of the friends you lot don't accept in mutual with the tagger.

Similarly, it doesn't terminate people from posting on your Facebook wall per the settings you've configured for your wall.  The timeline review function is for filtering posts y'all are tagged in, non filtering posts your friends leave direct on your timeline. If y'all want to tweak who can mail to your Facebook wall, delight refer to our tutorial hither.

Lastly, information technology'southward an all or nothing thing. As of yet in that location is no part within timeline review to fix any sort of trusted friends or the like. This means if your spouse tags y'all in tons of family unit photos, there's no way to say "Corroborate everything from user XYZ, I trust them", and you're left manually approval all those posts before they appear on your timeline.

Those caveats aside, it's an extremely handy way to stop your friends from seeing your uncle's crazy political rants (which he insists on tagging you in) or everyone in your family from seeing the multi-level-marketing garbage your coworker is ever tagging everyone in.

How to Plow On Timeline Review

Turning on and using timeline review is a pretty straightforward thing. While you can toggle the setting from both the spider web site and from the Facebook mobile app (we'll bear witness you how to practise both), it'due south slightly faster if you exercise it on the website.

Enabling Timeline Review on the Website

To enable timeline review via the Facebook website, log into your account and click on the small carte triangle on the upper right side of the blue navigation bar, then select "Settings", as seen below.

In the left paw navigation pane, select "Timeline and Tagging".

In the "Timeline and Tagging" card expect for the entry "Review posts friends tag you lot in before they announced on your timeline?"; by default this setting is off. Tap on "Edit" to change it.

In the now open up menu, click on the driblet down carte du jour and toggle "Disabled" to "Enabled".

The changes take effect immediately, at that place's no confirmation or save button to press.

Enabling Timeline Review on the Mobile App

If you're reading this tutorial on your phone and want to jump correct into changing the settings, hither's how to practice information technology from the Facebook mobile app. While in that location are small differences between the layouts of the app on unlike mobile platforms, you should be able to follow along easily using these iOS screenshots.

Tap on the "More than" card button in the navigation bar and select "Settings" in the resulting bill of fare, as seen below.

Select "Account Settings" in the pop up  carte.

Select "Timeline and Tagging" in the "Settings" carte du jour.

Just similar on the website, select "Review posts friends tag y'all in before they appear on your timeline?"

Toggle "Timeline Review" to on.

Once again, like the website toggle, there's no confirmation and the changed take effect immediately.

How to Use Timeline Review

Now that yous've turn the timeline review function on, let'due south take a peek at what information technology looks similar in action. To demonstrate we enlisted a friend to mail a Minions meme and tag u.s.. On a sliding scale of things we'd prefer not to be tagged in, nosotros'll put Minions memes solidly between invitations to parties where overpriced candles are sold and posts that implicate the tagged users in interstate drug smuggling operations.

When someone tags you, you'll get a notification like then.

The notification e'er looks something like "[user] tagged you in a post. To add together this to your timeline, go to Timeline Review" with a thumbnail of the post. Click on either the bolded "Timeline Review" or the thumbnail to jump to the mail service.

There you can select either "Add to Timeline" or "Hibernate".

Every bit you add or hide items, you'll meet condensed entries for each detail that reflects how the mail service will appear on Facebook, like so.

Remember, adding a mail to your timeline inserts it into the news feed of your friends, places it on your wall, and otherwise integrates it into your Facebook footprint. Hiding the post from your timeline stops those things from happening, only it doesn't delete the mail service or remove the tag. If you lot wish you lot tin visit the post and manually select "remove tag" to remove the link to your Facebook account entirely from the post or, if the post is more than an annoyance and really a violation of Facebook rules or illegal, you tin can click the report button.

While timeline review isn't perfect, it'south a pretty great way to catch a lot of the stupid posts you might get tagged in and, in the procedure, avoid cluttering up your timeline (and annoying your friends) with garage posts.


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